Tuesday, February 13, 2018

I Microwaved Frozen Salmon and It Was So-So


So, I microwaved a microwaveable salmon TV dinner thing from Trader Joe's with high hopes, because some of their microwaveable TV dinners are just magical. For example, their soup dumplings are wonderful for days when I want to spend about 50 cents per soup dumpling in my own home instead of over a dollar per dumpling in a restaurant, like at my beloved Din Tai Fung. (Seriously, though, I am of the opinion that everybody who can should go to Din Tai Fung and get the soup dumplings if you're able to. They're pork based and have flour and cost money, so not everybody can eat them. But if you can? They're totes a thing to go eat, and they have a bunch of branches in the Seattle area. Mostly in malls, but it's still a very nice restaurant to go to in the mall.)

This salmon dinner thing, though. It came out undercooked, I think? Like, perfectly steamed in half, but then squishy and tough in the other half, so I didn't eat all of it. I'll eat raw salmon under special circumstances, but not like this. At least, not like this today.

The orzo salad with mint and whatever had its heart in the right place, but freezing didn't do it any good, either. I think it it wasn't slimy, it may have been really nice? I don't mean to sound ungrateful for getting to eat food, but I wasn't able to finish this, in part because I can eat other foods later so it's not an emergency.

Of course, I should add that while I won't buy this again, I will still buy other frozen meals from Trader Joe's when I have the time and money to do so. Like, their palak paneer and tikka masala paneer meals make me really happy! And, like I said before, I like their soup dumplings. I also like many of their frozen pizzas.

Here is a photo of my shame. Shame in not finishing it, shame in eating so much even though it was kinda gross (except for the well-cooked salmon, which was delightful).