Friday, February 25, 2011

Homemade Ice Cream & Murdered Merangue

Two posts in one day! I just wanted to give a quick nod to last weekend.

My sister has decided to make a specialty of homemade ice cream. Her first concoction was the perfect execution of this recipe for blueberry ice cream. The lightly crushed and occasionally intact, fresh, raw blueberries were shockingly good--enough to disrupt some of my stereotypes about putting fruit in ice cream. (Like "the fruit must always be cooked first" and "the fruit will taste a little mediocre" and "raw blueberries are too sour for this.")

Her second concoction, the second night I crashed on her couch, was a recipe of her own invention. Apple crisp ice cream. She made a spiced apple compote in a saucepan, using fresh apples, and chilled it. She made a toasted, crunchy crumble out of oats, flour, butter and brown sugar. Both were stirred into the completely from-scratch vanilla ice cream batter, and froze right into it. It was amazing, and I hope to publish the recipe later if she'll write it down for me.

While my sister assembled the yolk and milk mixtures, I was left with two nights worth of egg whites. I stood in the kitchen with her, but my help was infrequently required. I decided to attempt a simple mousse without reading any mousse recipes.

Unfortunately, the available resources were a bit scant, so I found myself whipping the bowl of egg whites with a salad fork, for want of a mixer or whisk.

Check it out:

Actual, standing egg whites whipped in an absurdly low-tech way. I think it took me two hours.

Unfortunately, I made a fatal mistake immediately afterward. I folded the beautiful meringue into hot, sweetened, chocolatey milk without removing the scalded milk mixture from the stove. The egg whites cooked far too much (they actually boiled!!!), and my would-be mousse developed an unfortunate texture, a bit like it was full of tiny, sand-like grains of rubber.

Here is a photo of my dashed dreams and public shame:

Woe is me.

Luckily, my sister's ice cream was ready around the same time that I concluded that I could not keep eating my experiment. We watched Community and all was well.

Punk Rock Comfort Food

Practically everybody I know has their own different definition for what punk rock is, and there are frequent disagreements over the details when the subject comes up.

However, this is my blog, and I will write from my perspective. To me, punk must be vulgar. It must be, or appear to be, remedial. Not necessarily due to a lack of advanced ability, but due to an ethic that a sloppy half-effort is a liberating and equalizing effort. Punk also ought to set the stage for creating social links to other oddballs--a sort of mixed-up social slurry, a strange cultural catch-all for misfits. A supportive punk family/tribe/scene/whatever can make an essential lifeline in times of crisis, something that I have gratefully experienced firsthand.

Beyond this sociological understanding, there are also specifics regarding the punk rock art movement in its different stages over the last 40 years. These deserve thorough analysis at another time, in something other than a food blog.


I finally watched the movie Repo Man for the first time today.

I decided to eat a big meal while watching the movie, to help prepare my body for my scheduled blood donation this afternoon. Because of the movie, I was feeling proud of how playful, rebellious and vulgar I naturally am. I wanted to revel in my own not-giving-a-damn-about-the-rules-ness in a tangible and appropriately disgusting way. So this is what I did:

I hacked off part of a raw cabbage, covered it in shredded cheese and microwaved it for two minutes. It tasted like bad ideas and freedom.

I will definitely do this again, but with more cabbage and less cheese next time, so I don't clog my blood recipient's arteries too badly.*

Salut! To your health! Happy eating! Bon voyage!

*An interesting side note for those who may be curious: I was rejected by the blood bank for having a head cold today. I will try again next week. I hear that donating blood is a great way to get really, really drowsy, and while I already love naps and I sleep ok at night, I haven't had a proper knocked-right-out, serious sleep in a while. Maybe I'll be up to it next week!