Monday, January 2, 2012

This Is Not the Cookie Dough I Was Promised

Salutations! Long time no see. (Tech issues, I swear.) Happy New Year!

I have finally returned to my beloved food blog on this holiday day* to lament about a phenomena that I feel entirely ambivalent about.

I am eating a meal-replacement protein bar that is, I suppose, inspired by cookie dough. It looks like I am eating a tube of cookie dough, it really does. It's the right color. It has chocolate chips in it. Even the texture is pretty close to spot-on, apart from the crunchy/grainy/crystalline bits that I don't mind, but that do kind of break the third wall. But the flavor?!? I'll tell you in just a moment.

This bar had a high vitamin content that I didn't bother to record. And it boasts 28 grams of "Metamyosyn (R)" protein. I haven't Googled Metamyosyn, so that's still a mystery. But for all that I've bothered to decipher, it seems like as adequate a meal-replacement bar as any, more-or-less.

What it is NOT, is a good "cookie dough as a meal" replacement bar. Oh goodness no. It tastes like protein powder, and that flavor is so strong that it overpowers the taste of what I hope (but did not confirm) are chocolate chips. I personally recommend that the company responsible should switch to using a darker chocolate for the chips, so that the chocolate flavor won't be as overpowered by the taste of the protein powder.

Do I recommend eating one of these meal replacement bars instead of a small dish of raw cookie dough? I guess. But this recommendation only comes out of my concern for public health, with regard to the consumption of raw eggs and the awesome/unhealthy combo of refined sugar/refined flour/raw eggs. (Which I myself still love to eat, but in moderation and with an acceptance of the possibility of food poisoning.)

* This blog was written on January 1st, 2012, but was posted online the day after. Tech issues, I swear again!

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