Monday, January 28, 2019

BBQ Jackfruit, Cheese Sauce for Greens, and Edamame Fettuccine

Blogger didn't update their app for my phone, so I'm writing this on my laptop, which almost never happens. This laptop is for work and school, not for fun! But I can break that pattern for a moment, to update this food blog, because I have stuff I want to say about food!

Soooooo, I've been trying some new foods lately, because I kind-of, sort-of, sort of passively want to eat a bit healthier, in the hope of lowering my cholesterol, increasing my feelings of nutrient-having, and maybe losing some excess body fat, because I have more body fat than I technically need.
In the spirit of breaking out of patterns more generally, I recently tried these three products for the first time, and I had a variety of different reactions!

First and foremost, I want to address why I have heartburn right now. Specifically, Upton's Naturals Bar-B-Que Jackfruit has disappointing BBQ sauce, according to my palette. (Hopefully if you try it you will love it! It's vegan and it seems to really want to be a good food. Look how cute the packaging is!) Unfortunately, to my mouth it is spicy without offering the kind of savory, smoky, rich BBQ flavor that I was hoping for. Maybe it needs MSG? Maybe I need MSG?

The jackfruit itself was alright, but I wished it had been in a different sauce. I actually caught myself wishing that the jackfruit was in a banana pudding instead of in BBQ sauce, because it didn't taste like pulled pork to me, even though it looked kind of like pulled pork. I'm happy that I gave this a shot, but I am sad that the shot that I gave it gave me heartburn. I wanted this to be a vegan lunch, but it needed something like mayo, and I didn't have Veganaise (which is amazing but pricey) so I used regular mayo, and that helped the flavor enough that I ate two of these sandwiches in a row this afternoon. But I didn't totally eat all of it, and I blame the sauce for that. I may likely buy more of this stuff later on, but I'll probably rinse off some of the sauce and season it myself (starting with a different store-bought BBQ sauce?) if I do.

On the other side of the bougie "I bought myself something nice at Target" scale is Organic Girl's White Cheddar Ranch Style Vinaigrette. It tastes like something my dad would make! (That is a compliment, my dad is great.) Sour cream, white cheddar, um, sour cream, white cheddar... I know it has chives and vinegar maybe, but I mostly just perceive it like a cheese sauce when I eat it. Which has, like, exponentially increased my salad eating! I had salad for fucking breakfast today, when I would have normally skipped breakfast or eaten a piece of toast. It turns out, I love salad greens in general, but I'll actually eat them all the time as long as they're so coated with cheese sauce that they're basically mac and cheese at this point. There is cholesterol in this stuff, and I eat too much of it for it to be a low-cholesterol food in my tummy. But at least I'm eating something other than cookies or actual mac and cheese? Kind of? My dressing-to-greens ratio could stand to be more joyless and stoic (is that really what eating fresh produce feels like, or am I just a jerk?) but in the meantime, this satisfies my hankering for green whatever with my stomach and mouth's belief that everything I eat should be cheesy. In the past, it's been pizza or mac and cheese with a green smoothie, when I want cheese and green foods, so this is like a half-step in a self-improvement direction, maybe.

And finally, speaking of pasta, here is some literal pasta! Seapoint Farms Organic Edamame Fettuccine is so good! Somehow the only ingredient is soybeans. It is chewy and feels cheesy in texture, and if it wasn't hard to find I would eat it frequently. Instead, it's a special occasion food that I buy off of the internet. So, if you live near a store that sells it, or if you're willing to eat things from the internet, and you can have soybeans and this is a food you want to eat and can have, then I encourage you to give it a try!

And these are the three foods I set out to describe here today. Ta-dah! I described them! Thank you for reading.

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