Friday, August 26, 2011

I Did Not INTEND To Eat Ducks

This is a story about a "young" woman, and some ramen, and a surprise.

Anticipating duck-themed bullion for broth, I--I mean, "some unnamed woman"--decided to tuck in and enjoy a new style of instant ramen. My--I mean, "her"--husband's off doing PAX stuff, so an instant meal for one is totally called for and fully allowed.

Sounds harmless enough, right? What are the odds that instant food would be full of actual ducks?

Oh dear. The odds are very good indeed.

And the ducks, so help me, are also very good. Indeed.

Why the anxiety about eating duck? It's not like I'm vegetarian. And given that ducks fly and are regularly obtained from the wild, it's most likely not unthinkable that these delicious ducks actually had better lives than the last factory-farmed poultry I ate this week.

But I hold a semi-firm taboo: "thou shall not eat thy pets, nor thy pets' kin." And as a youth, my family adopted two ducks from a farm store. We named one Theodore and the other Siegfried, after a scene in the movie "Four Rooms." They joined wild flocks, but would occasionally return to our family pond.

And now I'm EATING DUCK for dinner! I'd better honor their memory by eating it while it's still warm. My apologies, everyone.

Here are some glamor shots of the meal, including a curiously labeled pouch full of meat and delicious gravy:

See how good that meat looks? All marinated...

My apologies to ducks everywhere.

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