Thursday, August 11, 2011

Quinoa, Blueberries, Coconut and Milk

I am all about pantry cooking, and I am all about frozen ingredients. Today's "thing I am eating" is nutrient-dense, delicious, cheap, and was assembled out of stuff I had on hand. It has also helped to manage my rampaging sweet-tooth, which is a pretty scary accomplishment for a healthy food to achieve.

Step 1. Make Quinoa

It's more expensive than rice, but is a whole protein all by itself and is available in large containers for cheap-ish at Costco. Plus, it's gluten free, in case you're into that.

Cook it by boiling the way the package advises you to, which is basically the same method as cooking rice.

Step 2. Heat Frozen Blueberries

I lined the bottom of a microwave-safe cereal bowl with frozen blueberries and microwaved them for about a minute, because it's August and I wanted them lukewarm. Keep them frozen or cook them until hot if you'd prefer.

I know lining the bottom of the bowl doesn't look like very many blueberries, but the other ingredients will pick up their flavor. (This is a good way to make a small package of frozen blueberries last longer.)

Step 3. Add Cooked Quinoa

Spoon it over the blueberries. Use as much as you want, it should pick up the blueberry flavor pretty well. Think of an oatmeal-to-fruit ratio.

Step 4. Add Shredded Coconut

I used about a tablespoon of sweetened, shredded coconut, because that's what I have. I'll concede that using an ingredient that has sugar in it is kind of cheating, given that the dish is otherwise such a health-bomb... But your FACE is kind of cheating! Burn.

Step 5. Pour Milk Like It's Cereal

Pretty straightforward.

Step 6. Mix Together And Eat

This step is even more straightforward.

You're welcome.

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