Friday, March 21, 2014

Finally bought some coconut milk ice cream

Why didn't I do this sooner?!? I...literally, I'm, okay, like...

Obviously I love eating and/or drinking milk fat. I'm not looking to live forever. (Unless that's an option?) I've accepted the reality of mortality, such as it is. Moreover, I consider myself attractive enough as-is, to avoid avoiding "the good stuff," when it comes to a sweets emergency. (Having a final paper to finalize tonight constitutes a "sweets emergency," and the sore throat that I've recently developed has made its own contributions to the seriousness of the emergency, as well.)

And while I do care about the lifestyles of livestock, very much so, that wasn't what kept me out of the traditional ice cream today, either.

No. Today's decision to buy coconut ice cream happened because I have found myself increasingly troubled by the fact that coconut milk, while creamy, fatty, and flavorful, does not have enough sugar in it, and in spite of that problem, I haven't bothered to figure out how best to sweeten or otherwise tinker with it myself. 

As it turns out, paying somebody else to do things for me has paid off...AGAIN!

I haven't tried any other commercially-available flavors or brands. The only other coconut ice cream I can remember eating was either brand-unknown servings in Thai restaurants, or my sister's homemade coconut ice cream. So, I can hardly claim to be expert enough to provide any meaningful comparisons between brands or styles, which might otherwise provide grocery shoppers with grocery guidance.

I can say, however, that I am extremely glad that I made this purchase. If/when I eat the whole container in one sitting (I've already started that process), it will be 600 calories only, which is kinda like a small hamburger, but made out of ice cream. 

I am also grateful to FINALLY be consuming coconut milk that somebody else has sweetened. I've been drinking the Trader Joe's coconut milk out of a can lately, and it was just making me antsy. Like, it tasted like an ingredient. I mean, I get that it is an ingredient, and a genius one for things like making homemade ice cream and/or curries. But as a stand-alone beverage? Hard to do. Hard to do. It's really thick, and I experience it as having only one flavor and only one texture, and that's just not enough for long-term consumption, in instances like this.

Instead, coconut ice cream is easily, like, a THOUSAND TIMES more convenient. In fact, I probably will eat the whole carton of it in one sitting. And there's a chance that I will immediately follow that activity by "accidentally" falling asleep on the couch in a pile of academic articles, with The Royal Tenenbaums on. (I'm using that movie as an example of personality development theory reflected in cinema, because graduate school=rad.)

Okay. I have reading and writing and passing-out to do, in whichever order feels right at the time. Lindsay out! *drops mic*

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