Sunday, November 3, 2013

I accidentally cooked perfect rice.

Right?!? How did I do this?!? I never do this!!!

This rice does not only look perfectly cooked on camera, either. It's as fluffy and chewy as the stuff in restaurants. And I made a FREAKISHLY HUGE quantity of it.

So, what happened? I Googled rice cooking like I do every time, and this time, I found this link:

I liked the idea of just eyeballin' the ratios, so I decided to pick this recipe. I started with what I thought was too much water, but I wandered away while waiting for it to boil, and when I wandered back something like 40 to 400 seconds later, it was not only boiling, but that inch-y quantity of water over the rice was gone. I panicked, scraped the bottom of the pot with a metal spoon (no browned or burned bits! Must've caught it early), added a bunch of cold water from the kettle to the rice, panicked because it was supposed to be cooking, not cold- ing, tasted the rice, found it halfway cooked, and decided to keep cooking it. And keep adding water. And keep cooking it.

For the most part, if/when it was cooking, it was just simmering. And because I had no idea how much rice or water I'd used, or even how long it had truly been cooking, I kept tasting it. And when it was somehow freakishly perfect, I took it off the burner. The rice wasn't even damp! Or burnt! 

I made a huge pile of it, so I'll have rice to do all kinds of stuff with for the next while. I'll probably make rice pudding, later.

For today, I pan-fried little dice-sized cubes of the firmest tofu I could nab, and then simmered it in some stuff from Safeway. Best decision ever? Or just the best decision I've made in the past hour? Maybe both. But probably just the latter, because I've also been doing academic homework today, because FUCKIN' A THAT'S RIGHT, I'M IN GRAD SCHOOL!!!!!!!!!!! And I'm eating a lunch that I really like:

Here's a photo of my bag of rice (a gift from a relative who was cleaning bulk stuff from her pantry), and a photo of the empty butter chicken sauce jar, and a photo of the ripped up container that the tofu cubes came in. (THEY WERE ALREADY CUBED, RIGHT THERE IN THE PACKAGE!!!!!!!)

(Eew, that is a messy-looking, discarded package that once held tofu. What kind of jackass would put that in a food blog?!? Ugh. It's like, " only show food- grade food, or don't show anything, man.")

This guy!

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