Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Unstink the "Tupperware"

Sure, this blog is MOSTLY just here to help link the traditional definition of the word "geek" (a sideshow performer paid to eat anything), with the sexier, modern definition of the word "geek." (An adult who owns at least one dinosaur t-shirt, and who boasts about high school unpopularity while going out for drinks.)


On this occasion, I've figured out something useful, and a-here it will a-go-go.

My husband and I cook with garlic and other strong-smelling foods, and our "Tupperware" (sometimes actually "Gladware" or "Snap Ware" or "leftover tubs that used to have yogurt in them") will sometimes become haunted by the smell of garlic long after it's been washed.

(I love this stuff. Thanks, Dad! Thanks, Costco!)

LUCKILY, I've discovered that letting a heap of a nice slurry of water and baking soda settle at the bottom of one'o these beauties for a while will exorcise the lingering garlic smell effectively enough to store sensitive foods like vanilla pudding later, without unsavory, savory, unsavory consequences.

The more you know!

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