Wednesday, November 6, 2013

I know, right?!? Buttered noodles, broccoli, and shaved sharp white cheddar

Why yes! Thank you for noticing. I did make a tablecloth out of black duct tape. It's absolutely perfect, too. Very tailored.

I also boiled some penne noodles in oiled, salted water until al dente. I tossed them with steamed broccoli florets, a big pile of shaved vintage white cheddar (Tilamook, of course), and a couple of tablespoons of melted butter.

The flavor's mild, because I really want to taste every ingredient. Even the pasta. (Pasta tastes good!) But I could definitely picture somebody adding cracked pepper to this, if doing that helped 'em out. In fact, I might do that halfway through eating this, if I start to get bored. I'm not above doing that, sometimes.

There, I already did it. Halfway through the dish, and I added a little pepper. I'm ambivalent about that decision, though.

A note about the cheese:

Because I'm eating this as an entrée, not as a side dish, I've opted to go pretty heavy with the cheese. However, this dish might also go really well alongside a medium rare steak. In fact, now I'm hungry for steak while I'm typing this. Fuck! What was I saying? Oh, yeah.

So if you're pairing this dish with another big pile of delicious animal fats... LOOK OUT!!! Like, dine at your own risk, man.

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