Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Coming Soon: A Negative Review of SOMETHING


Hope you're enjoying The Food Section.

I realized while reading my gushing blog entry about Harney & Sons's Paris tea that I might endorse a little too heavily in this blog while criticizing too lightly. In fact, I'm afraid that I might read like an advertisement!

I certainly wouldn't turn down advertising money, if someone who produces a product I like might want to pay me for liking it openly. I would also gratefully accept free samples of products to review! But I'll be up-front about it, should that sort of opportunity present itself. So far it hasn't.

But still.

I need to come up with a food that I dislike so that I can provide my readership (myself?) with a negative review. It's only proper, isn't it?

In the meanwhile, to whet your whistle, I do want to point out that while Harney & Sons's Paris tea is lovely when steeped properly, it can become bitter and unpleasant when significantly oversteeped.

I have friends who like oversteeped tea, and that's fine. But I'm only one to happily oversteep mint tisane or other things that don't actually have tea leaves in them. That's just who I am. I don't like oversteeped tea leaves.

There. How's that for a description of an unpleasant food experience? I can show pickiness, just like any writer can!

More reviews are on their way, just you wait.

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