Saturday, April 27, 2013

Melting Cheddar Cheese on Baby Spinach

"I get it."

"I get it!"

"No, really, Lindsay. I get it."

"All you eat are found art objects, desserts, green vegetables to prevent total annihilation, and melted cheddar cheese. A typical day consists of a breakfast of candy and Ritalin, green beans and coffee for lunch, and a hot bowl of melted cheese and Oreos for supper. God, just stop... JUST STOP TALKING ABOUT IT!!! Please! There are CHILDREN on the internet, for cryin' out loud!"

"Stop making me look at your food! Just stop it! Please, please, PLEASE knock it off."

"I just... I... I give up. Let's just get this one over with."

Depicted in the photo below is tonight's main course for dinner:

A bowl of baby spinach, tossed with homemade raspberry vinegar from a wonderful aunt on my husband's side of the family, with Tillamook mild cheddar cheese melted on top to serve as the oil, salt, and protein of the dish.

It was lovely. This is the second night in a row that I've had this for dinner. I plan to eat the whole Costco tub of baby spinach before it wilts, because I have an antagonistic relationship with our compost bin, and don't want to give it any handouts. It is lazy and full of discarded things.

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