Saturday, July 20, 2013

Frittata? Frit-TA-DAH!!!

Who stayed up until almost 2 am making a frittata, to be easy-to-eat-on-the-go breakfast tomorrow?!? Because I ran out of bread and so couldn't just make pb&j?!?

ME!!!!!! ALL ME!!!!!!! ALL FOR ME!!!!!

(... All for me and my husband, I mean.)

As usual, I followed Mark Bittman's "How to Cook Everything.

I'll describe the recipe well enough, but I still want to encourage everybody to actually buy the book, and to buy other books. Buy this book too. You'll thank me later.


So, get an ovenproof skillet. If you know what's good for ya, you'll use a seasoned cast iron skillet. Then get that skillet warmed over medium heat, and brown a little butter in there. Beat some eggs up, and cheese. I added about 1/4 cup of sliced red onion (I used scallions, I did) fresh, chopped garden herbs, and about 3/4 cup of feta cheese to five eggs. Mix'em, put'em in the skillet, cook'em until the bottom's firm, then bake 'em in the 350F oven--WITHOUT FLIPPING IT--right still in the skillet.

Aww yeah.

Now, if you're me from the past, traveling to the future to read this blog before going back to your original time to make the frittata, please make no changes, because we cannot afford a paradox. However, if there IS some paradox work-around, then I can safely advise you/me to go a little easier on the fresh cracked pepper, and back off a little bit on the feta. The 1/2 cup the recipe called for was probably a little bit closer to what I/we should have done/will do/could/will/can/won't do, in the future. (The future.)

Still, the imperfections aren't bad, the frittata is fucking DELICIOUS, and my whole house smells like awesome food.


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