Thursday, November 13, 2014


I FIGURED IT THE FUCK OUT!!!!!!! This, my fifth post about the same fucking pie, is the conclusion of the story about this pie. I think.

The pie was undercooked. I gave it another hour or do at 425F, and the peaches are now squishy instead of crunchy, and the whole thing looks WAY more like a pie than it did the first time that I took it out of the oven.

It also expanded and got way bigger, so eating two undercooked slices was a pretty crucial step in the process, because otherwise the thing would have kept boiling over into a soufflé-like science fair syrup volcano. Next time, I'll use 2lbs of peaches instead of the 3lbs advised by the recipe.

I feel a little sick. I'm not gonna lie about that. Eating a hearty sample of undercooked peach pie made with underripe peach slices is not the road to health, as far as I reckon. But I did it. I SURVIVED.

And this is the goddamned pie I deserve, for taking this hero's journey:

Thankee mightily, for joinin' me on this adventure, Reader. It's been quite a ride! A ride with lots of naps happening in the middle. My kind of ride.

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